Top Ten Tuesday, Books I value too much

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme created by The Broke and The Bookish and move to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018.

Today’s topic is Books that I refuse to let anyone touch for whatever reason too special, too valuable.

Ok, this topic is one of the easy ones, I for one do not lend my books to anyone, I don’t like people coming to my place and touch my stuff let alone my books I just can’t have that.  I years ago used to borough and lend books until someone decided to it was ok to borough my books get them wet and have the covers ripped I mean who does that?! I didn’t realize right away what was done to my books once I got them back but when I did I was so mad I really wanted to punch this person in the throat but after that I decided I will never ever lend or let anyone touch my any of my books unless is an arc then that’s different.

Here’s an old pic of one of my bookshelves


I know I sounded a bit extreme but I seriously do not let anyone touch my bookshelves lol.

Thank you for stopping by I know I haven’t been around much due to you know this thing called life 🙂



5 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday, Books I value too much

  1. Welcome back to TTT! I’m glad you decided to participate this week, and I totally understand being protective of one’s books.

    My TTT.


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