Down The TBR Hole #5


Down The TBR Hole was originally created by Lost In A Story and the point is to help you narrow down your Goodreads TBR and also help with which books you are no longer interested in. I’m trying to keep up and post this once a week since my TBR keeps growing with every book recommendation and book releases and I just can’t resist adding them to my list in the hopes of getting to them as soon as humanly possible.

How it works:
♦ Go to your Goodreads to read shelf
♦ Order on ascending date added
♦ Take the first 5 or 10 books (any amount of books you like)
♦ Read synopses of the books
♦ Decide whether to keep or Toss

I’ll be doing the challenge weekly since my to read list is out of control, and I’ll be showing 6-8 books per post, but you decide on how you want to do it.

So, here are 8 books added to the list:

  1. The Archived, The Archived Book 1 by Victoria Schwab I need to keep this, I mean it is V.E. Schawb book   ♦Verdict: Keep the archived
  2. Unspoken, The Lynburn Legacy Book 1 by Sarah Rees Brennan I love the titles and covers for this series and even though I don’t own them yet I’m hoping to someday I will  ♦ Verdict: Keep unspoken
  3. These Vicious Masks, These Vicious Masks 1 by Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zakas I really lost interest on this one sooo ♦ Verdict:  Toss vicious maks
  4. Foxheart, Foxheart Book 1 by Claire Legrand I read one of her other middle grade books and really enjoyed it so this one I will need to read since it has been in my TBR since release day.  ♦ Verdict: Keep FOXHEART Final HC c.indd
  5. A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall I tried to read this one a couple of times but decided to read it at another time and that time hasn’t come I think we know where this one is going.  ♦ Verdict: Toss something different
  6. The Book Club Murders, The Oakwood Mystery by Leslie Nagel Lost interest.              ♦ Verdict: Toss book club murders
  7. The Forgetting, The Forgetting Book 1 by Sharon Cameron I forgot the reason why I even added this on to my tbr but I read the goodreads synopsis and even though the cover is gorgeous I don’t see another reason to keep it.  ♦ Verdict: Toss the forgetting
  8. Stolen Songbird, The Malediction Trilogy book 1 by Danielle L. Jensen I really don’t care for it any more.   ♦ Verdict: Toss stolen songbird

And there you have it, this help me bring down my Goodreads TBR to 706 books, I know I’ll never read some of these books but hey one can dream right? If only I would stop adding books to it I will stress less about it.





2 thoughts on “Down The TBR Hole #5

  1. I actually recently decided to toss A Little Something Different off my shelves/TBR as well! For similar reasons too. It was just not getting read and I finally was like, eh, might as well ditch it for good.


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